Wednesday 13 August 2014

Green Chutney (பச்சை சட்னி)

Green chutney (பச்சை சட்னி) makes a wonderful accompaniment to vegetable rolls and all types of parathas. It is a simple and easy-to-make chutney. Green chutney has the gentle flavor of mint and coriander leaves.

Coriander leaves – ½ teacup or 100ml measure (கொத்தமல்லி)
Mint leaves – ½ teacup or 100ml measure (புதினா)
Curry leaves – a few (கறிவேப்பிலை)
Garlic – 1 small pod, peeled
Ginger – grated, ¼ teaspoon (optional)
Fried gram – 1 tablespoon (உடைச்ச கடலை)
Green chilli – small, 1 no
Fresh curds – 2 tablespoons
Salt – to taste

Green Chutney (பச்சை சட்னி)

Method: Wash coriander, mint and curry leaves very well and drain fully. Blend the leaves, with fried gram, ginger, garlic, salt and green chilli with 1-2 teaspoons of water into a smooth thick paste, using the mixer-grinder. Beat the curds well. Mix the paste and curds very well. Your green chutney is ready. Serve with paratha or vegetable roll and pickled onions. 

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