Tuesday 27 January 2015

Mixed Pulses Curry

The Nature provides us with varieties of vegetables, cereals and pulses so that we can enrich our meals. Pulses improve the nutrition of our diet and there are several ways of using them in our cooking – salads, sundal, kuzhambu and curry, to name a few. Combining different pulses adds both to the nutrition and taste of the dish. I have already shared recipes using sprouted pulses. However, if you do not have time to prepare sprouts, here’s a short cut curry recipe that combines different sprouts in spicy gravy. You can serve this curry with roti, chapatti, paratha, poori or pulka.

Ingredients: (Serves four)
Green gram (பச்சைப் பயிறு) – ¼ teacups or 100 ml measure
Red black eyed peas (சிவப்பு காராமணி) – ¼ teacups or 100 ml measure
White black eyed peas (வெள்ளை காராமணி) – ¼ teacups or 100 ml measure
Field bean (மொச்சைக் கொட்டை) – ¼ teacups or 100 ml measure
Dries peas (உலர்ந்த பட்டாணி) – ¼ teacups or 100 ml measure
Oil – 2 tablespoons
Curry leaves – a few
Salt – to taste
Jaggery – ½ teaspoon (optional)
Coriander powder – 1 tablespoon
Cumin powder – 1 teaspoon
Kashmiri chili powder – 2 teaspoons (adjust to taste)
Cloves – 3no
Cardamom – 3no
Cinnamon – 1” piece
Bay leaves – 2no

To be ground into a paste (1):
Ginger – 1” piece
Garlic – 3-4 pods, peeled
Tomato – 3 no, cubed
Onion – 2 no, cut into cubes

To be ground into a paste (2):
Cashew nuts – 1 tablespoon
Poppy seeds – 1 teaspoon
Mixed Pulses Curry
Method: Soak the pulses in warm water for at least 4 hours. Later drain the water, wash and cook in a pressure cooker with 2 teacups (400ml) of water for 6 minutes or 6 whistles. Once the pressure subsides, remove from the cooker and allow it to cool.

Grind tomatoes, onions, ginger and garlic into a fine paste using the mixer-grinder. Keep aside.

Grind separately cashew nuts and poppy seeds with little water into a very fine paste. Keep aside.

Heat oil in the kadai, add cinnamon, cardamom, bay leaves and cloves and sauté for 30 seconds. Add onion-tomato paste, coriander powder, cumin powder and kashmiri chilli powder. Mix well. Cover and cook on low flame till oil separates. Now add cooked pulses, salt and jaggery. Cover and cook till the contents boil. Allow the contents to boil for 2 minutes. Now, add cashew paste and blend well with the curry. Reduce the fire and simmer for 2-3 minutes. Switch off the fire. Garnish with curry leaves and serve hot with chapatti or paratha and raitha. 

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