Tuesday 5 May 2015

Thomas Harris

When I was waiting at the library to return some books that I had finished reading, a paperback on top of a pile caught my eye. It was ‘Silence of the lambs’ by Thomas Harris. I had not watched the movie ‘Silence of the lambs’ nor the ‘Hannibal series’. I flipped through the book and was intrigued by what the captions said. So I started on ‘Silence of the lambs’ and found it captivating. I followed it by ‘Hannibal’, ‘Hannibal rising’ and ‘Red dragon’. However, I found ‘Silence of the lambs’ to be the best of all.

Some of the books by Thomas Harris
First of all, the psychological analysis of troubled minds in these fictions is really engaging. But, the violence and the detailing of the killings are not quite appealing to my taste. The characters are well etched, whether it is Clarice Starling, Hannibal Lecter, and Will Graham or for that matter Jack Crawford.

In these books, the plots are well laid out and the pace picks up as you go along. The psychological profiling of Hannibal Lecter, Buffalo Bill, Mason Verger and Francis Dolarhyde is quite intense and at times startling. In ‘Silence of the lambs’, the childhood trauma and healing of Clarice Starling is convincingly well structured, and it gives a glimpse of Dr Hannibal Lecter’s brilliance. The ending of ‘Hannibal’ is in line with the characterizations of Clarice Starling and Hannibal Lecter. ‘Hannibal rising’ chronicles the extreme trauma Hannibal Lecter undergoes as a child, how it affects him and the impact of these experiences in the evolution of his negative personality

I am yet to read ‘Black Sunday’. Nonetheless, if you are a fan of suspense thrillers, I would recommend these books especially for the construct of the plot. Happy reading! 

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