Friday 29 May 2020

How to Make Paneer or Cottage Cheese at Home?

The COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing lock down has resulted in certain changes in our routines. We are not always sure to get all the desired items during grocery shopping. Paneer or cottage cheese is one such item that is not always available in our neighborhood store. No worries. We can always make paneer at home and it is very easy. Please follow the simple steps given below.


Milk – 1 liter*
Lemon fruits – 2 no**

*You can use any type of milk - full cream, toned or standardized. I prefer to use toned milk.

**Vinegar can be used instead. But, I find lemon gives better results.

Method: Cut the lemons into halves, squeeze and extract juice. Remove the seeds and keep aside.

Step 1 - Boil milk and switch off the stove.

Step 2 - Add the lemon juice immediately and stir well. The milk will curdle and milk solids will separate from the clear whey. Usually the juice of 2 medium sized lemons is enough curdle 1 liter of milk. If the whey is still white in color indicating partial curdling, you may add some more lemon juice till the whey becomes clear.

Step 3 - Place a clean cotton cloth over a sieve/colander and pour the curdled milk. Filter the whey and let it drain for 30 minutes.

Step 4 - Remove the curdled portion/paneer from the sieve, fold the cloth to cover the paneer well and place it on a draining board. Place a weight on top and let it drain for 3-4 hours. 

Step 5 - Remove the weight, unwrap the cloth and take out the solid paneer. Use it as desired in your cooking. You may also refrigerate it and use it later.

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