Friday 12 September 2014

Potato-Baked Beans Roll

Rolls are easy to make, yummy to eat and heavy on the stomach! You can make rolls by rolling vegetable masala inside chappati or tortilla. Here is a simple recipe that you can attempt for dinner.

Ingredients: (Makes 3 rolls)
Potato – medium sized, 3no
Onion – large, 1 no, finely chopped
Salt – ½ teaspoon (adjust to taste)
Chilli powder – ½ teaspoon
Garam masala – ½ teaspoon   
Baked beans in tomato sauce – ¾ teacup*
Oil – 1 tablespoon
Tortilla or ready-to-eat chappati – 3 no

*Buy any brand of your choice

Method: Wash potatoes and place them in the pressure cooker. Add one teacup (150ml) of water. Close the lid and cook on medium flame. Check if the steam escapes through the nozzle, and then place the weight. After pressure builds up and the cooker starts to whistle, keep the fire on for 5 whistles. Switch off the fire. Wait for the pressure to subside and then open the lid. Cool the potatoes by running through cold water. Peel the potatoes, cut them into cubes and keep aside.

Heat oil in a kadai/wok, add chopped onion and fry till it becomes transparent. Add potato pieces, salt and chilli powder. Mix well. Cook for a minute. Now add baked beans and garam masala. Mix well and cook for one minute. Switch off the fire. Divide the masala into three equal portions.

Microwave tortilla or warm ready-to-eat chappati on the tava, and place it on a plate. Add one portion of potato-baked bean masala in the center (Fig.1) of the chappati/tortilla. 

Fig.1: Place masala in the center of chappati/tortilla

Wrap the left end of chappati/tortilla over the masala (Fig.2). 

Fig.2: Wrap the left end of chappati/tortilla over the masala

Then roll the chappati/tortilla from left to right tightly with the masala inside into a compact roll (Fig.3). Make two more rolls with the remaining masala and chappati/tortilla.

Potato-Baked Beans Rolls

Your delicious potato-baked bean roll is ready! Serve with tomato ketch up and sliced onion. 

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