Saturday 13 September 2014

Spicy Sprouts Curry (பச்சை பயறு கார கூட்டு)

Sprouts are easily digestible and are high on nutrients. Sprouted green gram (முளை கட்டிய பச்சை பயறு) is rich in vitamins especially Folate, Vitamin C & K and minerals, mainly potassium and calcium. You can make salads, gravys and curries with sprouts. Here is a different spicy curry recipe that goes well with roti, chappati, tava paratha or pulka.

Sprouted green gram – 2 teacups or 400 ml measure
Ginger – 1” piece, grated
Sprouted Green Gram
Green chilli – 1 no, split lengthwise
Tomato – 1 no, chopped
Coriander powder – 2 teaspoons
Cumin powder – ¾ teaspoon
Oil – 1 table spoon
Mustard seeds – 1 teaspoon
Asafoetida – a pinch
Curry leaves – a few
Salt – to taste
Sugar – ½ teaspoon (optional)
Tamarind paste – ½ teaspoon

To be ground into a powder:
Pepper corns – ¼ teaspoon
Coves – 3 no
Cinnamon – 1” piece
Red chillies – 2 no

How to make green gram sprout: Wash and soak green gram in double the quantity of water over night. Next morning drain the water and tie the green gram in a clean cloth. Keep it in a vessel in a cool place. Green gram sprouts in 1-2 days. Remove the sprouts from the cloth and use it for cooking.

Spicy Sprouts Curry (பச்சை பயறு கார கூட்டு)

Method: Cook the sprouts in a pressure cooker for 6 minutes or 6 whistles. Once the pressure subsides, remove from the cooker and allow it to cool.

Roast pepper corns, red chillies, cinnamon and clove in a kadai till the ingredients turn darker in color. Transfer to a bowl. Once cooled to room temperature, powder the roasted ingredients using the mortar and pestle. Keep aside.

Heat oil in the kadai, add mustard seeds and once they start to sputter, add tomato pieces. Cover and cook on low flame till they become pulpy and oil separates. Now add cooked sprouts, coriander powder, cumin powder, asafoetida, and ground masala powder. Dissolve the tamarind paste in 50 ml of water and add to the kadai. Mix well and cook till the raw smell of tamarind disappears. Then add green chilli, grated ginger, salt and sugar. Cover and cook till the contents boil. Now reduce the fire and simmer for 2-3 minutes. Switch off the fire. Garnish with curry leaves and serve hot with chappati or paratha. 

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