Sunday 10 February 2019

Vegetable & Fruit Salad with Curd Dressing

Curd dressing is easy to prepare and it makes a whole lot of difference to the taste of the salad. Here's a recipe of vegetable and fruit salad blended in curd dressing.

Ingredients: (Serves 2)
Yellow pepper – cut into small cubes, 2 tablespoons
Red pepper – cut into small cubes, 2 tablespoons
Gherkin – half; cut into small cubes
Carrot – half; cut into small cubes
Pomegranate seeds – ¼ cup
Apple – half; cut into small pieces

For curd dressing:
Hung curds – ½ cup
Salt – to taste
Honey/ sugar – 2 teaspoons
Pepper – freshly ground, ½ teaspoon
Mustard powder - a generous pinch
Method: Whisk the curds, salt, honey and pepper together to form a smooth paste. Add in the cut vegetables and fruits. Mix well. Allow the salad to stand for 15 minutes. Serve chilled. 

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