Thursday 9 May 2024

Sweet Dahi Poha

During childhood, summer holidays were great fun, when we played games and ate various goodies. If no snack was available, we would eat soaked poha/rice flakes (அவல்) with sugar or jaggery. This summer special recipe is an evolution of the same. 


Poha/rice flakes (அவல்) - ½ teacup or 100 ml measure

Jaggery powder - 6 tablespoons

Cardamom - 1 no, seeds powdered

Pistachio - 6 no, sliced 

Curds -  6 tablespoons


  • Rinse rice flakes in water a couple of times and drain excess water. Let it stand for 20 minutes. Add in cardamom powder and mix well.
  • Take two glasses and transfer half the quantity of poha to each glass. Layer poha with 3 tablespoons of jaggery powder.
  • Add in 3 tablespoon of curds on top of the poha. Garnish with sliced pistachio. 
  • Refrigerate for 30 minutes. The water content in the curds will infuse the jaggery powder into the poha and it will taste great! 
Your simple dessert is ready! Serve chilled.

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